Chevre, there is no parsha this week. We have Rosh Hashanah on Shabbat and on Sunday. This year as we entered Elul, I was taken by surprise, the summer was almost over. This week Ashkenazim started to say Selichot. Slowly, slowly, we ramp up into Teshuvah (returning). And then we hit the 2 pillars of our suspension bridge, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The High Holy Days or the Days of Awe. As we arrive at the first pillar of our bridge, I personally feel like I’m heading up hill through molases. It could be the political situation both at home and abroad, it could be the higher temperatures this summer, the economic situation. A combination of all of these things. Personally, I’m trying to take the opportunity to reconnect with HaShem, who has been a foundation in my life since I started to become more religious 20ish years ago. It’s not always easy to be religious, connected with HaShem or just to be a person in the world. My hope and prayer is that on the other side of these intense days, will be a feeling of wholeness and lightness. May you and your families all have a sweet, happy new year. Shanah Tovah.