Chevre, this week’s parsha is שֹׁפְטִים (Shoftim). There are a lot of interesting nuggets in this week’s parsha. Some of them, this year, could be seen as more politically charged from years past. There is an interesting pasuk, 1 line, that states you shall not move a boundary. In the cloud, when we talk about boundaries, it could mean several things. Blast Radius, Multi-AZ and the boundary in your workload that makes it highly available, the operational boundaries between AWS Regions. In “old tech” I remember learning about the network broadcast boundary of a subnet. All (most) of these boundaries are enforced. It’s not possible to move these boundaries or it’s not possible to move them easily. This makes them useful when architecting and planning for operations and any potential failure impacts. And as I think further even software boundaries can be limited to what is running on a specific host or instance. A run-away Lambda will only run away as far as the Lambda timeout is set (max 15 min; unless you have recursive Lambdas, a different subject). And therefore, we have taken the notion of not moving a boundary and codified it (raised the bar, but not changed the boundary) and made those boundaries harder to move. Shabbat Shalom.