Chevre, this shabbat again does not have a parsha, it’s Chag Sukkot (סֻכּוֹת). During the Chag, we leave our homes and do most of our activities in the Succah, a temporary booth that we build for the holiday. Our Succah also needs to be dog-proof so that our dogs don’t escape and terrorize the neighbors looking for yummy food. There are many kabalistic ideas around the Succah, I often think about the idea that we exit the comfortable, sturdy dwellings of our homes and enter the flimsy Succah to show trust (Emuna) in the Teshuva (Repentance) we have done over the past month and a half. The underlying theme (or melody) of repentance continues through HaShanah Rabba, the last day of Sukkot. These are our last chances for the special bonus repentance of the High Holy Days. One is ALWAYS able to repent or do teshuvah, but here you get a special push, like the AWS Free Tiers that give you a new service for free for the first month. You are encouraged and the (spiritual) environment is built special to help folks along. May we all find solice in our connection with HaShem and continually return to him for everything. Shabbat Shalom, Chag Sameach.