Toldot - 2023

Chevre, this week’s parsha is Toldot (תּוֹלְדֹוֹת). In this week’s parsha we have the story where Yitchak’s team dug a well in the area of Gerar and the locals quarreled with Yitchak’s team and took over the well. And again and again. Finally, HaShem told Yitchak to move to Be’er Sheva and there dig a well. This having a resource and having it taken away repeatedly until finding a location or a resource that will stand reminds me of EC2 Spot instances. You stand up an instance to perform a job and it may get taken away. And you do it again and again (hopefully using automation) until you are able to find a location (AZ) and a resource type (instance type and size) that will stand up long enough to get the job done.

As I mentioned last week, I’ll be away for the next 2 weeks and so my Divrei Torah will be coming out later in the day. And if you are at re:Invent, please say hi, I’ll be speaking at COP 212 Ways to Avoid Cost Surprises and I’ll be at the Cloud Financial Management (CFM) booth on Tuesday between 17:00-19:00.

Shabbat Shalom