Chaye Sarah - 2023

Chevre, this week’s parsha is Chaye Sarah (חַיֵּי שָׂרָׂה). After the death of Sarah, the purchase of her burial location and her burial, Avraham tasks Eliezer, his servant, with finding a wife for Isaac. Eliezer seems nervous about this task and gives high requirements for the finding the wife of Isaac. The Midrash states that the requirements were high because Eliezer didn’t want to find a wife for Isaac from Avraham’s family, but wanted Isaac to marry his own, Eliezer’s, daughter. However, Rivka met those high standards. I was reminded recently that folks that are not working in the cloud every day may not know all the possibilities of what can run there. And may not know which services would meet their high requirements. Therefore, customers have many avenues to learn and find out about the right services to use for thier requirements. This could include praying, but I suggest reaching out to your account team first.

I’m preparing for my trip to the US for re:Invent. I hope to see some of you there. In addition to speaking at COP212 Ways to Avoid Cost Surprises, I will be manning the CFM (Cloud Financial Management) booth in the AWS Village at the Venetian Expo on Tue Nov 28th from 17:00-19:00. You’re welcome to come say “hi” and/or take a selfy. I’ll be the one with the Peyot. Shabbat Shalom.