Chevre, this week’s parsha is BeShalach (בְּשַׁלַׁח). This week’s parsha starts with the route to The Promised Land. Our Metaphor for The Promised Land is being fully migrated to the cloud. Along the way there are obstacles like grumbling folks that only have bitter water or no food. Both of which are responded to with miracles of changing the water to sweet water and the manna starts to be delivered (except on Shabbat, double portions on Friday). We have the Egyptians coming after the people, this could be the nay-sayers inside a company that don’t want to move to the cloud, the Egyptians are destroyed by the miracle of the splitting of the Yam Suf (Sea of Reads). Hopefully, a well executed first step in a cloud migration will help turn the nay-sayers into champions. And finally, the parsha ends with Amalek attacking the stragglers. With any migration to the cloud, there will always be a project or two that are more difficult to migrate. It could even be that the benefits of the cloud do not out-weigh the benefits of being on-prem. But we must always remember these projects and re-evaluate since at some point these projects may either be closed down as no longer required/valuable or the benefits of moving to the cloud start to out-weigh the benefits of being on-prem. And so we always remember Amalek. Shabbat Shalom