Chevre, this week’s parsha is Yitro (יִתְרוֹ). This week we have some interesting concepts. First Yitro, Moshe’s father-in-law comes to the camp. He sees how hard (and not smart) Moshe is working answering halachic questions all day. Yitro suggests some auto-scaling (ok, more like manual scaling) to have a hierarchy so that easier or common questions can be answered by a larger number of folks and harder questions will be referred to more expert folks. This is how companies run support teams. What I find interesting, is after this infrastructure is suggested and put in place only THEN does Moshe get the 10 commandments. I get the feeling that Moshe was so busy putting our fires, that he couldn’t concentrate on the big picture and wasn’t able to work on his expertise to answer the harder questions. Once he had scaled up and was freed up from the backlog, he was able to then focus on what he needed to do as a leader and receive the 10 commandments. May we all get clarify in what we need to do to have the biggest positive impact on ourselves and everyone around us. Shabbat Shalom.