Chevre, this week’s parsha is Pekudei (פְּקוּדֵי). We finish the book of Shemot this week. The parsha starts with an accounting of what was used in the building of the Mishkan, like a bill of materials. We continue with the vestments of the priests including the special clothing of the Cohen HaGadol (The High Priest). Moshe inspects all the pieces, like going over an on premises installation and making sure all the parts and pieces are there. Moshe then puts the Mishkan or Tabernacle together. Get out the rack nuts and put the servers in, wire up the networking and power and get everything ready to go. Once everything is built (hardware), he then goes and puts out The Show Bread, lights the Menorah, and burns the Incense on The Inner Altar. This is like setting up and the OS and the application software. Once all this is done, the workload is ready for action and The Cloud covers the Tent of Meeting (Mishkan/Tabernacle). And with that, we have the proof that G-d’s Glory is The Cloud. Shabbat Shalom.