Chevre, this week’s parsha is Tzav (צַו) and parshat Parah (פרה). This week we continue in learning about more sacrifices that were offered in the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and in The Temple. An interesting fact is that if there remains some of the sacrifices too long, then they are no longer valid to be offered or eaten. They must be burned on the fire on the altar. For me, this is like security keys or tokens that are good for x amount of time and then are no longer valid. They are rejected. There is also a description of the concecration of the Cohanim (priests). Blood was sprinkled on their right ear, their right thumb and their big toe. This scene always reminds me of the original Dune movie from 1984 where something red (probably blood) was rubbed on the shoulders of the elite soldiers. In our case, the elite are the Cohanim or priests.
This week is also Parshat Parah. We read about the red heifer that is used in the purification process. This process is required to be completed before folks can come to Jerusalem and take part in the Passover Lamb.
May we all learn to be elite in the positive ways of our personal nature and purify ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. Shabbat Shalom.