Ekev - 2020

Chevre, this week’s parsha is עֵקֶב (Ekev). One of the greatest midot (dimensions or aspects) of all the people I have met at AWS has been their humility.  In this week’s parsha there is a warning thta you may say “My strength and the might of my hand made me all this wealth!” What I hear in AWS has only been, what do our customers need or what do our customers need that they might not know yet. This focus on the customers has lead to great innovations like Lambda. “Then you shall remember HaShem, your G-d: that it was He Who gave you strength to make wealth”. We build things and provide services to our customers and know we are not finished. And, as it’s said, we are willing to be mis-understood for a long time knowing that we are serving our customers in our work lives and HaShem in our personal lives. Shabbat Shalom.