Tzav - 2020

Chevra, this week’s parsha is צַו (Tzav) and Shabbat HaGadol. What struck me about this week’s parsha is the section on Kashering. Given that we are all now doing our own kashering for Pesach. Normally, at least in my town, there is a communal kashering of items. The Rav and a group of experienced people help the residents kasher things for Pesach. Shabbat HaGadol is also one of the times in the year that The Rav of the community gives a long drasha on Shabbat afternoon. This year, our Rav has been doing a series of Zoom sessions (which are then put up on youtube) and the big explanations this year are around how to do everything yourself and without a minyan. Given that Pesach is usually a time of family and gathering together, one of the 3 Aliyot LeRegel, it will be a very different experience. 
Last week, for Kabbalat Shabbat, we went out to our Patio and could hear many of our neighbors do the same. During Pesach in Jerusalem during the time of the Beit HaMikdash, the final Hallel of the Seder was done on the roof tops together. This is the feeling that I had. 
This week I heard (not for the first time) of using AWS Tags for Data Classification. This helps make it easier to assign permissions and ensure that the data is treated properly. In the world of impurities of holiness, we don’t have these tags or symbols. We also don’t have these tags or symbols in the current war with the virus until much later. May we all be blessed to be together again soon, happy, healthy and less socially distant. Shabbat Shalom.