Bamidbar - 2021

Chevre, this week’s parsha is בְּמִדְּבַּר (Bamidbar). It is not halachically proper to count Jews. When a census was needed during the Temple times, every Jewish Male over a specific age would contribute a 1/2 sheckel and these sheckels would be counted. David HaMelech got in trouble for performing an unsanctioned census. As an Amazonian, I need metrics to make informed decisions. The census at the start of Bamidbar was ordered by HaShem. We see the start of the community structure of the tribes. Later we’ll see that the land is divided amongst the 12 tribes and we’ll have a 12 AZ region. May we have a quiet Shabbat both on our borders, for our soldiers and internally in our cities. Shabbat Shalom.