Chevre, this week’s parsha is שְׁלַח לְׁךָ (Shelach Lecha) and it’s my Bar Mitzvah parsha. We start out with the story of the scouts, often called the spies. 1 person from each tribe is sent out. When they come back, they go directly to the people and not to Moshe. They bypassed leadership and went public. 10 of the scouts were against going into the land and 2 were for. So first off, the scouts violated the policy of talking to the public. Only PR is allowed to do that. Now you might say that the 10 scouts were Biased for Action. And you might say that Caleb and Yehoshua were having backbone, disagreeing, but then committing. The issue here is that the 10 scouts were not Right Alot. They didn’t have a bar raizer engagement and discuss what they saw. They didn’t use metrics. They weren’t following the process and so they were a few thousand years early to be Amazonian. ;-) May we all learn from the scouts that we should use data metrics, follow the process and try not to let our emotions and biases get in the way. Shabbat Shalom.