Shemot - 2021

Chevre, this week’s parsha is שְׁמוֹת (Shemot). This week’s parsha starts with a large turnover at the head of the company. The CEO (aka Pharoah) doesn’t remember what Yosef did to save the company. The engineering team (aka the Jewish People) are given crazy deadlines that they can’t possibly meet. This kinda reminds me of what I’m told it’s like to work at a startup. A leader is born and he’s the step brother of the CEO.  He’s the R&D Manager, but we’ll call him Moshe. Moshe tries to tell the CEO what he’s doing to Engineering. The CEO makes the life harder of Engineering with worse deadlines and taking away resources. The Engineers complain to Moshe and he’s flabertgasted, he’s praying for a way out of the situation. More next week. Shabbat Shalom.