Vayishlach - 2021

Chevre, this week’s parsha is וַיִּשְׁלַח (Vayishlach). This week we have the sending of emissaries from Yakov to Esav. Yakov is offering up his wealth to Esav. These are the results of the bracha he “stole” from Esav before running away. He is appeasing his brother and trying to give the bracha back. The family drama continues with the defiling of Dina in Shechem and the trickery that Levi and Simon use to get “justice.” The death of Rachel on the way to Efrat. This episode happens during the birth of Benyamin (not the name she chose). There are different interpretations of why she died on the way. These range from the fact that she stole her father’s idols and lied about it. Yaakov told Lavan that whoever is found with the idols will be punished. Or that Yaakov was in the wrong for marrying 2 sisters, which is not allowed in Jewish Law. The drama continues with Reuven sleeping with Bilhah, on of his father’s wives. This is followed by the death of Yitchak and the chronology of the family line of Esav (aka Edom). For me, all of this comes back down to communications. Most of my time is spent with technical networking communications, but it’s important to communicate either verbally, written, or through some kind of project tracking system. Keep everyone up to date on what’s going on. Make sure folks know about the challenges you face and how you overcame obstacles. Try not to re-invent (re:Invent?) the wheel if it’s not necessary. All of this is accomplished through communication. As we get ready for Shabbat and I turn off my electronics later, my family and I enjoy sitting down to a nice meal (or 2 or 3) together and talking about what is going on with each of us or in our country or in the world. May you all find the restfulness of Shabbat this week. Shabbat Shalom.